Why Sleep Impacts Your Dog’s Aggressive Behavior More Than You Think
Your dog’s snooze time can significantly influence their aggressive behavior. In Singapore, where the hustle and bustle never seems to stop, we often overlook this crucial aspect.
Why Staring Makes Your Dog More Reactive and What To Do About It
By recognizing what staring means in dog body language, we can empathize with what they’re going through and take the steps to make them feel safe and comfortable.
Dog Bites: If You Think Your Dog Won’t, Think Again!
While its true that most pet dogs have extraordinary patience when it comes to their human companions, its also true that if pushed beyond a limit, even the most docile dog can be a biter.
He Knows What to Do, He’s Just Being Stubborn,
Has he really gone strategically deaf or is there something else going on?
No, Your Dog’s Not Eager to Please, they’re Selfish!
Are dogs really these thoughtful, altruistic creatures that care about us and our happiness as their companions?
Why Alpha Rolls can Worsen Your Dog’s Behavior!
Instead of curbing aggressive behavior, alpha rolling can actually make it worse. Dogs may feel threatened and respond with increased aggression!
Help! My Dog Won’t Stop Barking
You just want the barking to stop, but often telling your dog No! or getting mad at them, only seems to make it worse. Fear not, my fellow Singaporean dog guardians, there’s hope!
Does your dog need a doggy companion?
Before you jump into adding another dog to your household, let’s explore what this decision could really mean for you and your dog
The Dangers of Punishment You Need to Know
Using punishment seems like the quickest way to get the job done, however, this quick fix often comes with hidden costs.
Is My Dog An Alpha?
Is it a real thing or just a myth that’s been passed around the dog parks of Singapore like a bad case of kennel cough? Let’s dive into what the term really means